Class | 10th |
Subject | English |
Book | Footprints Without Feet |
Category | Summary |
Class 10 English Chapter 9 The Book That Saved the Earth Summary
The book that saved the earth is a play written by Claire Boiko. In the twenty fifth century while sitting in the museum of Ancient history the historian depicts the story of the martains who visited earth in the twentieth century to invade the planet. The play is set in the twentieth
century which was often called the Era of the book. The play consists of imaginary characters having strange names such as mighty chiest think tank, apprentice Noodle, Captain omega, Lieutenant lota and sergeant opp.
Think tank would consider himself as the most powerful and intelligent follow among all the martians and decides to visit earth with his team. Heal ways thinks that since he has a big balloon head, he is the most intelligent of all and constant wants tobe praised for it. He and his team are eager to know how the Earthlings live and how the martainrulership soon, they arrive at the Centerville public library on earth which was full of books. However they are unable to understand the purpose of those objects kept on the shelves.
To exhibit his a cumen the mighty think tank tells his crew that earthlings are fond of eating so probably those things arranged on shelves are sandwiches soon after he orders captain omega lievtenant Lota and sergeant oop to eat the book. Captain omega and Lievtenant Lota cleverly transfer this responsibility of eating the book on sergeant oop’s shoulders. Having no choice sergeant oop eats a corner of the book, but he does not like the taste. He confirms to the mighty Think Tank that it is not delicious at all from this the crew realizes that the book is not meant for eating.
After some time apprentice Noodle suggests the mighty Think-Tank that probably the book is being used for communication with ears. they all try to hear the book by holding it close to their ears yet there was no sound coming from it. Later Noodle suggests. Think-tank that the book may be used for communication with eyes. The mighty think-tank
agrees and orders the entire crew members to open and read the book. The name of the bookis mother Goose, which is a children’s rhymes book.However they areunable to understand how to read it.
In no time apprentice Noodle reminds Think-Tank that the mars chemical department has given some vitamin pills to boost the intelligence of the crew. Think-Tank immediately orders his crew to have those pills. The crew Pop in the capsules before reading the book soon, sergeant oop starts reading the nursery rhymes book and they start taking the literal meaning of lines in the rhymes. He reads the rhyme, Humpty Dumpty and all of them see the picture of Humpty that resembles Think-Tank.
Seeing this, Think-Tank is horrified to know that Earthlings have identified him already and want to kill him from all the information gathered about Earthings, the mighty Think-Tank Calls his martian crew to run away from that place immediately without leaving a trace and
evacuate the entire planet of mars. He orders his team to head towards alpha century a hundred million miles away. Thus an old book of rhymes, mother Goose saved earth from the martain invasion.
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